Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Something exciting happened before Easter. Blaise and I traveled to Akron to meet Sonny!!! Finally! Sonny is cute, sweet, and Italian- the total package. (Right, Tommy?) He and Blaise had fun chasing each other- and Brady Quinn, Cath's feisty chihuahua. The highlight of the trip had to be taking the babies to Swenson's- a drive-in that we used to frequent on trips home during college. I miss you already, Cath!

1 comment:

Jen Sharp Gorman said...

Blaise is getting SO big!! I LOVE him! And, I cannot believe you ate at Swensons! I gew up right around the corner! ;) SO FUN! Can't wait to see your family in Chicago next month! xoxo, Jen and Rosie