Friday, July 25, 2008

A busy day!

Blaise had his busiest day to date! First we went to Credit Suisse and met Tommy's coworkers. (Not pictured... forgot my camera!) Then it was off to walk with our friends Kara and Samantha. Lastly, we met with our Rosary group at St. Mike's. In the Rosary picture you can catch one of Blaise's first smiles! (Meanwhile, Dad was off cheering the Cubs on to victory!)

Twinny Anchors

We met our friends Rob and Maria for dinner at Twin Anchors. Blaise agrees that the ribs are Chicago's best!

The Brown Line

Blaise took the Brown Line downtown for pizza last week. He loved the commotion!

A cousin is coming!

Hey everyone, I'm going to have a cousin! "BumBum" McCusker is due December 23. Can't wait! Congratulations to Becky and Pat.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Splish splash, I hate my bath!

Tub time is not fun time at our house.

Have a good day, Dad!

Blaise and I walk Tommy to the El most mornings. Blaise loves strolling around Old Town!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


My baby is a firecracker!

Blaise took his first trip to Michigan over the Fourth of July. His first stop was to meet Great Nana, or "Nana the Great" as Tommy calls her. While in Michigan we took plenty of walks, watched G-Pops set off bottle rockets, met lots of new friends and cheered on the Cardinals as they played the Cubs! (Right, Uncle Danny?) We'll see who Blaise decides to root for...

Snoozing with Papa Clark

Papa Clark came to call for a few hours before we left for Michigan. After showing Papa Clark his tummy time tricks Blaise decided it was time for a nap. (Thank you Aunt Becky for his new London wardrobe!)

She went to Old Saint Mary's and I went to Notre Dame

We were thrilled to introduce Blaise to Notre Dame. We took him to a few of our favorite spots: The Grotto, Alumni Hall and Reckers! We had a lot to be thankful for while at the Grotto. I pointed out the path over to Saint Mary's just in case Blaise is a "Domer" one day...

Hi, Owen!

Joel, Bridge, and Owen visited and met Blaise. Owen is so well behaved; he must get that from his mama!

Mimi to the rescue!

Mimi stayed with our family for over a week to get us started. She bonded with Blaise, whipped up delicious dinners, and even showed us how to give the little guy a bath. I think we'll have to start calling her "Saint Mimi!"

Old Town Art Festival

Blaise was out and about before he was a week old! We were proud to stroll him around Old Town. G-Pops looks like he is already a bad influence on Blaise...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Blaise came home after spending two days in the hospital. He was greeted by family- including his cat, Ping! It seems like Ping has figured out he isn't the baby anymore.

Welcome to the family

Blaise met many family members while in the hospital. Visitors included: "Mimi," "G-Pops," Danny, Stephanie, "Papa Clark," "Grand Mare," Maggi and Danny. The Seilers and Bridget Jones also stopped by. Blaise is still waiting to meet Aunt Becky and Uncle Pat, who are currently living in London. He sends his love!